Art Advisor
For over ten years, as an art advisor, I have been advising individuals and companies on the purchase of works of art.
First and foremost, an art advisor is a connoisseur—well versed in the world of art, both past and present, possessing the necessary skills to evaluate a work, attribute its authorship, determine its authenticity, and give a judgment of its quality.
An art advisor usually has a professional background that includes work in a gallery or a museum, or a previous position in art management. But whatever the path, the right art advisor is a knowledgeable expert who has had the time to develop a good eye for good art.
What is an art advisor ?
Why to hire an art advisor ?
The short answer: to help you navigate the complex maze that is the art world in contemporary times.
But the actual reasons for why someone would seek an art advisor can vary :
You may be new to the sphere of art collecting and don’t know where or how to begin.
You may be intimidated - as many of us are, even if we won’t admit it - by the top galleries and auction houses, and need a guiding hand to open the door.
You may be sure of your interest in collecting, but can’t quite articulate your taste and goals.
You don’t have the time to do the lengthy legwork that comes with the process of collecting, from researching galleries to visit to booking appointments with those galleries.
Additionally, the art market is notoriously a relationship-based industry. So even if you know which work you want, it is an art advisor with the right connections who can often get you the access needed to secure it.